Monday 15 May 2017

Musical Instruments!

We made our very own musical instruments out of toilet roll holders and rice. We personalised them and decorated them in beautiful colours. We were able to shake our musical insturments to lots of our favourite songs! We would REALLY like to thank one of the mums of Múinteoir Yvonne's class who equipped both Múinteoir Yvonne's and Múinteoir Niamh's class with the perfect toilet rolls to make our musical instruments, thank you! 

Spring Clean!

We took advantage of the fine weather and headed out to clean up our local area in Doughiska. We all put on our gloves and brought a bag with us to put the rubbish into. Some of the locals we met thanked us as we cleaned the skatepark and the tennis court. We had great fun cleaning our local area and were very proud to see the area so clean when we had finished! Well done everyone!